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articulated lorry (chiefly British) a very large truck, consisting of a cab and freight-hauling trailer, that carries goods over long distances; tractor-trailer; semi.
barge a large, long boat with a flat bottom used for carrying freight.
boxcar a railroad car that is enclosed on all sides. It is used for carrying freight.
caboose a car at the rear of a freight train, used by the train's crew as a place for eating, sleeping, and observation of the tracks.
canalboat a long narrow vessel used to transport freight along canals and riverways.
cargo the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; freight.
carload the minimum weight required by law to ship freight by rail at a reduced rate. [1/2 definitions]
coaler a ship or freight train used to haul coal.
Conestoga wagon a large heavy covered wagon with broad wheels, used by early U.S. pioneers to haul their freight and household goods.
deadhead a vehicle, such as a train or truck, carrying no freight or passengers. [1/5 definitions]
demurrage the delay in loading or unloading a ship or other freight carrier beyond a previously specified time. [1/2 definitions]
ferry a boat or ship that carries people or freight back and forth across a river or other body of water. [1/2 definitions]
freight to transport or send as freight. [1/6 definitions]
freightage freight or cargo; lading. [1/2 definitions]
freight train a railroad train made up of freight cars.
hopper a freight car that can discharge its cargo through a door in the floor. [1/5 definitions]
juggernaut (chiefly British) a very large truck, consisting of a cab and freight-hauling trailer, that carries goods over long distances; tractor-trailer; semi. [1/2 definitions]
load an amount of something carried; cargo or freight. [1/17 definitions]
lorry (chiefly British) any of a number of large vehicles used for transporting freight or other loads; truck. [1/3 definitions]
merchantman a commercial ship that carries passengers or freight.
pallet2 a movable, usu. wooden platform on which freight goods are moved or stored. [1/2 definitions]