adventurism |
impetuous, irresponsible acts or policies, esp. by a government or someone in power, in defiant violation of commonly accepted norms of behavior. |
adventurous |
given to taking risks and seeking excitement. [2 definitions] |
adverb |
in grammar, a word that modifies a verb, adjective, other adverb, adverbial phrase, or sentence. |
adverbial |
of, relating to, or functioning as an adverb. |
adversarial |
pertaining to or involving opposition between two sides. [2 definitions] |
adversary |
a person, group, or thing opposed to another; opponent; enemy. |
adversative |
in grammar, indicating opposition or contrast. [2 definitions] |
adverse |
opposed to or conflicting with one's purposes or desires. [3 definitions] |
adversity |
a condition of misfortune or difficulty. [2 definitions] |
advert |
to direct the attention by comment or remark (usu. fol. by "to"). [2 definitions] |
advertent |
paying attention; heedful. |
advertise |
to present (a product or idea) in a favorable light to win public patronage, support, or approval. [4 definitions] |
advertisement |
a notice or public announcement designed to gain public attention, esp. to promote the sale of certain products. [2 definitions] |
advertising |
the business, profession, or action of creating and distributing notices to the public for the purpose of stimulating sales of a product or service. [2 definitions] |
advertising man |
one who works in the advertising business, esp. as a designer, salesman, or executive; adman. |
advertize |
advertise. |
advice |
remarks or an opinion offered as help in making a decision or in choosing a course of action; counsel. |
advisable |
being good and proper advice; recommended, suggested, or prudent. |
advise |
to give advice to; counsel. [5 definitions] |
advised |
considered or conceived (usu. used in combination). [2 definitions] |
advisedly |
after careful consideration or deliberation. |