Dutch door |
a door divided into two halves that operate separately so that the top may be opened while the bottom remains closed. |
Dutch elm disease |
a serious disease of elms that causes yellow, wilted leaves, streaked wood, and ultimately the death of the tree. |
Dutchman's-breeches |
an herb of eastern North America with finely divided leaves and yellow, pink, or whitish double-spurred flowers. |
Dutchman's-pipe |
a hardy climbing vine having curved leaves and bearing brownish or purplish flowers resembling a tobacco pipe. |
Dutch metal |
an alloy of copper and zinc, thin sheets of which resemble gold leaf. |
Dutch oven |
a heavy iron or enamel kettle with an arched lid, for the slow cooking of pot roasts, stews, or other dishes. [3 definitions] |
Dutch treat |
a date or other outing for which each person pays his or her own share. |
Dutch uncle |
(informal) a person who bluntly and severely criticizes or lectures another. |
duteous |
careful to fulfill one's duties; dutiful; obedient. |
dutiable |
subject to import duty or other taxes. |
dutiful |
carrying out one's duties or responsibilities as required or expected. [2 definitions] |
duty |
ethical, legal, or moral obligation. [5 definitions] |
duty-free |
exempt from a duty or tax. |
duumvir |
either of two officers in ancient Rome who exercised jointly the duties of a public office. |
duumvirate |
government authority held by a two-member board, as in ancient Rome. [2 definitions] |
duvet |
a bed covering filled with feathers or other soft material and generally having a removable and washable cover so that it can be used as both top sheet and quilt. |
duvetyn |
a napped fabric of cotton, silk, wool, or rayon that has a twilled weave. |
duxelles |
a mixture of finely chopped mushrooms, shallots, and seasonings sautéed until all liquid has evaporated and used esp. in sauces and stuffings. |
abbreviation of "digital video disc" or, subsequently, "digital versatile disc." |
D.V.M. |
abbreviation of "Doctor of Veterinary Medicine." |
dwarf |
(outdated; often considered offensive) a much smaller than average person due to a medical condition, esp. if proportioned so that the person's legs are shorter than his or her torso. [7 definitions] |