industrial park |
a tract of land provided with the public utilities, zoning regulations, and the like required by, and designed to attract, industry. |
industrial relations |
the dealings between industrial employers and their labor force and the public, esp. the methods and regulations thereof. |
industrial revolution |
(often cap.) a complex of economic and social changes caused by the shift of production from hand or physical labor at home or in small workshops to mechanized systems in large factories, as in the weaving of textiles, esp. in England in the eighteenth century. |
industrial union |
a labor union that represents the workers in an entire industry rather than only those engaged in one craft or a related group of crafts. |
industrious |
actively productive; hard-working. |
industry |
the activity or process of turning raw materials into finished goods, or a particular business that does this. [3 definitions] |
in Dutch |
(informal) in trouble or disfavor. |
indu'th |
(poetic, archaic) endows (contracted form of "endueth"). |
indwell |
to dwell or exist within (a person, nature, or other entity) as a motivating force or principle. [2 definitions] |
-ine1 |
of or relating to. [2 definitions] |
-ine2 |
used in the names of chemical elements and compounds and other substances. [2 definitions] |
inebriate |
to intoxicate with alcohol; make drunk. [4 definitions] |
inebriety |
the condition of being inebriated; drunkenness. |
inedible |
not suitable or safe to be eaten. |
ineducable |
incapable of being educated or trained, usu. because of some mental handicap. |
ineffable |
beyond description; inexpressible. |
ineffaceable |
impossible to remove or obliterate; indelible. |
in effect |
virtually. [2 definitions] |
ineffective |
having little or no effect; not having the desired or intended effect. [2 definitions] |
ineffectual |
not producing an intended effect. [2 definitions] |
inefficacious |
unable to produce the desired result; useless; ineffective. |