lug1 |
to move with a great effort, esp. by pulling or lifting. [2 definitions] |
lug2 |
an earlike projection used to support or hold something, such as a machine. [2 definitions] |
luge |
a tobogganlike racing sled on which the rider lies face up. [2 definitions] |
Luger |
trademark for an automatic pistol manufactured in Germany. |
luggage |
suitcases or other containers for transporting personal possessions on trips; baggage. |
lugger |
a small boat having two or three masts rigged with lugsails. |
lugsail |
a four-sided sail lacking a boom, the upper edge of which is supported by a yard that crosses the mast obliquely. |
lugubrious |
sad or mournful, esp. in an exaggerated way; gloomy. |
lugworm |
any of a group of segmented, burrowing, marine worms with tufted gills, often used as fishing bait. |
Luigi Galvani |
an Italian physiologist and physicist (b.1737?--d.1798). |
Luke |
an early Christian disciple who accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys and who is regarded as the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament. [2 definitions] |
lukewarm |
only slightly warm; tepid. [2 definitions] |
lull |
to calm, soothe, or cause to sleep, as by sounds, movements, or the like. [4 definitions] |
lullaby |
a song sung esp. to put a child to sleep. [2 definitions] |
lulu |
(slang) an remarkable person, thing, or idea. |
lumbago |
a persistent backache in the lower back, esp. in the small of the back. |
lumbar |
of, concerning, or in the lower back or side. [2 definitions] |
lumber1 |
logs cut into planks and the like for use in carpentry or building. [3 definitions] |
lumber2 |
to move with heavy clumsiness. |
lumberjack |
someone employed to cut down trees and deliver them to a lumber mill; logger. |
lumberman |
a person who buys and sells lumber; lumber dealer. [2 definitions] |