Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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active always doing something; busy; full of energy.
bonus a payment added to a person's regular pay as a reward for hard work.
costly having a high price or value.
decoration something used to decorate or to make something else more beautiful.
fantasy imagination or something imagined.
gorgeous very beautiful; splendid.
mention to speak of briefly or in passing.
permanent lasting or meant to last for a very long time; everlasting.
possession the act or condition of having or owning something.
precision the state of being accurate or exact.
realistic tending to see things as they really are; practical.
roast to cook or bake with dry heat in an oven or over an open fire.
seldom not often; rarely.
stutter to repeat sounds when speaking, as if unable to complete or begin certain words.
upholstery materials used to cover furniture.