Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affront something that is said or done on purpose to be rude or mean.
bromide a bland or trite remark or idea.
derogatory having the purpose or effect of detracting; disparaging.
indigent without financial means to live; needy; poor.
insuperable not able to be conquered or overcome.
intolerant not able or not willing to accept different opinions, beliefs, customs, or people; not tolerant.
irksome causing annoyance; bothersome or tiresome.
pilgrimage a usually long trip undertaken for religious purposes, such as to visit a holy place.
prohibitive serving as a preventative.
rarefy to make less dense.
redouble to make twice as great; renew more vigorously; intensify.
redundant unnecessarily repetitive.
ruminate to think at length; meditate.
salubrious favorable to good health; healthy; wholesome.
winsome attractive or charming.